Page 2081 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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the Labor Opposition that this Government has failed in the delivery of hospital services in the Territory. We have very clearly shown the people of the ACT the inadequacy of the Government and, indeed, the dishonesty of the Government in demonstrating its so-called - I suppose "so-called" is the best word - commitment to health in the Territory.

All it is committed to, Mr Speaker, is switching over public hospital beds into the private sector, into an area where there is no demand, because the Minister is yet to prove that. He has not proven that there is any demand for private hospital services in the Territory. The Minister, of course, has boasted about his cheap plan and he has tried to hide the costs.

Mr Duby: What a joke, Rosemary.

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, it is about time that you - - -

Mr Duby: What a joke.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby!

MR BERRY: Mr Speaker, I move that this member be named, pursuant to standing order 202(e).

Mr Duby: Dear, oh dear; try again!


MR BERRY: He is persistently and wilfully disregarding the authority of the Chair.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby! You have been warned. Please note that the warning was necessary from where I see it. Please desist from making interjections in the manner you have been. Mr Berry, please proceed.

MR BERRY: It seems to me, Mr Speaker, that there has been some - - -

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed to the point, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: Thank you, Mr Speaker. It seems to me that some substance has been partaken of that has given rise to this frivolity. It strikes me as outrageous that these people cannot just stand and take their medicine.

The Government is now involved in what boils down to be the wrecking of the hospital system. It will cost more than $200m for the hospital system to be wound down by this Government. Indeed, it will cost more to close Royal Canberra Hospital than it would have to keep it open under Labor's plan, and there will be no savings. Two years of savings have been thrown away by this Minister's inadequacies; two years of the savings that were - - -

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