Page 2080 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 May 1991

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frivolous point of order from a person in a very frivolous mood who has no respect for this Assembly, nor has he any respect for the people of the ACT, because of the atrocious actions that have been taken against the hospital system in our Territory. This Chief Minister over here - - -

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I cannot hear what Mr Berry is saying because of the constant interjections of Mr Duby and Mr Kaine, who also kept up a running barrage of interjections while I was speaking. I must insist that you control them.

Mr Duby: Yes, when you told untruths as well.

Mr Connolly: I raise a point of order.

MR SPEAKER: Order! One point of order at a time.

Ms Follett: He has been warned once. Mr Speaker, on the second point of order, Mr Duby just commented that I had told untruths. I ask that he withdraw that.

MR SPEAKER: I would uphold your latter objection, Ms Follett. Mr Duby, I would ask you to withdraw that comment.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, if saying that Ms Follett asserts that advances relating to pay increases are not part of a supply Bill advance is unacceptable, I withdraw it.

Ms Follett: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: That is clearly a qualified withdrawal. It bore no relation to the comment - - -

Mr Kaine: If you are going to misquote because you do not understand the system, you can expect to be taken to account for it.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Chief Minister!

Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, that was a qualified withdrawal from Mr Duby. He must be asked to make an unqualified withdrawal.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I uphold your objection. Would you just give an unqualified withdrawal, please, Mr Duby?

Mr Duby: I unqualifiedly withdraw.

MR BERRY: About time too. One of the most interesting performances that we have seen in this sitting, of course, has just come from the Chief Minister. He is needled by the truth, and I will lay it on him again. It is a fraudulent $154m hospital plan where the Government has set out to wreck our hospital system and withdraw public hospital services from the people of the ACT, which it has done. The plan was shown up very early in the piece as being inadequate. It has been repeatedly demonstrated by

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