Page 1955 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Mr Moore: On the point of order, Mr Deputy Speaker: It seems to me that, if these matters cannot be dealt with substantively, as the Speaker has indicated, we are going to go back to the position we were in before, where accusations about misleading are going to continue to fly. We will then be given no choice - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The question is: That the question be now put.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Original question put:

That the motion (Mr Connolly's) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted -

AYES, 6  NOES, 9 

Mr Berry Mr Collaery
Mr Connolly Mr Duby
Ms Follett Mr Humphries
Mrs Grassby Mr Jensen
Mr Moore Mr Kaine
Mr Wood Ms Maher
 Mrs Nolan
 Mr Prowse
 Mr Stefaniak

Question so resolved in the negative.

Statement by Member

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to make a short statement.

Leave granted.

Mr Berry: And about time, too.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I have not had the chance to make a statement before now; there has not been an opportunity to do so. Mr Connolly assures me - and he is an honourable man, so I take him at his word - that I did say that Senator McMullan was a chair of a parliamentary committee while he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer. He also assures me that that is not the case.

On the basis of those two things being true, I withdraw that statement, and I indicate that I will always withdraw a statement by me which is shown to be untrue. That has always been the policy I have adopted in this house, and I hope that everybody else who is in the same position does so as well.

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