Page 1954 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Mr Connolly: You should give your Minister the opportunity to clarify the record and retract the statement, which I am sure he will do; he is an honourable man. He has admitted that he was wrong before. No doubt he will again.

Mr Kaine: I am sure that, if he is wrong, as an honourable man he will make a statement himself.

Mr Moore: Let us hear what the truth is instead of having lies put around the place.

Mr Kaine: If he is wrong he will make a statement of his own volition. He does not need a motion of this house to make him do it. And we are wasting valuable time when we should be dealing with government business.

Mr Connolly: In the debate on Executive Deputies - and I will not traverse that debate - - -

Mr Kaine: Mr Deputy Speaker, I moved that the question be put, on the motion to suspend standing orders. It is not a matter for debating - - -

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I think, Chief Minister, I have to say first, "The question is that the motion be agreed to". Then, if you move that motion, that effectively closes the debate.

Mr Kaine: Exactly. I want the motion put. That is why I moved it.

Mr Connolly: You are cutting me off halfway through sentence one, are you?

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: That is what he is doing, Mr Connolly. I have taken advice on that from the Clerk and accordingly the motion - - -

Mr Kaine: You do not need advice. I am entitled to move it and I have done so.

Mr Collaery: If it will assist the house, my colleague Mr Humphries will make a short personal statement. If Mr Connolly could simply seek leave to make a short personal statement himself, Mr Humphries has undertaken to correct the record if Mr Connolly has the evidence.

Ms Follett: On a point of order: The previous ruling has been that we proceed on these matters by a substantive motion, and that is the only reason that Mr Connolly has proceeded in that way.

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes, I appreciate that. I am also advised that what the Chief Minister has done is to cut off the debate. What we now have to do is put the question forthwith.

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