Page 1886 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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Mr Berry: Wallow in - up to your little trotters in the trough.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. You have just ruled that the expression "snouts in the trough" is unparliamentary. We are now hearing Mr Berry saying "wallowing up to their trotters in the trough". In the line of consistency, I think Mr Berry should be forced to withdraw that comment.

Mr Berry: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: Once again Mr Duby has got it wrong. What I said was, "wallowing in the perks of office" and then I said - - -

Mr Moore: He did indeed.

Mr Duby: That is not true.

Mr Collaery: That is not what he said.

Mr Moore: That is what I heard him say.

Mrs Grassby: That is exactly what he said.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Please resume your seats. I will review the Hansard once again.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, he said it twice.

Mr Berry: But you are guilty.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Would members please read the Hansards that come out of this parliament. It is an embarrassment.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, you must have seen him point across the way a moment ago and say, "But you are guilty", to Mr Duby - and in the context of having snouts in the trough. He is defying you on this floor.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Collaery, I will review the Hansard on this issue.

Mr Collaery: We would like you to control Mr Berry.

MR SPEAKER: Yes; thank you. I was talking at the time, I believe. I did not hear him say whatever you are referring to. I will check the Hansard and see what was said.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, on the point of order: The solution is obvious. You simply have to ask Mr Berry whether he used the expression "trotters in the trough" or not.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you for your observation, Mr Duby.

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