Page 1885 - Week 06 - Thursday, 2 May 1991

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than is due by right or that they have taken improper advantage of the incidentals of office. The statement was unparliamentary and in conflict with standing orders. I therefore call on Mr Berry to withdraw the remark.

Mr Berry: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I do not believe that the statement that people are wallowing in the perks of office is unparliamentary; but to satisfy your demand I am prepared to withdraw it, reluctantly.

MR SPEAKER: Order! That was a qualified withdrawal.

Mr Berry: I withdraw the remark, reluctantly.

Mr Collaery: No. Withdraw it. It is a qualified withdrawal, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I do believe that you are still putting the imputation on the statement, Mr Berry. I direct that it be withdrawn without reservation.

Mr Berry: I withdraw it, reluctantly.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, you are being defied. This man has brought the chamber into disrepute all week.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I uphold your objection, Mr Collaery. Mr Berry, I warn you that I have asked you to withdraw without qualification. I believe that you are not doing so. Would you please just withdraw without reservation.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I am most reluctant to withdraw this matter, but I withdraw it unequivocally.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. During your address to the house the Leader of the Opposition said, "Yes, they do have them". She repeated the allegation. That interjection may appear in Hansard. I ask that she be directed to withdraw it as well.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Follett, I would ask you to withdraw it if they, in fact, were the words you stated - - -

Ms Follett: He does not - - -

Mr Berry: They wallow in the perks of office.

Ms Follett: They wallow in the perks of office.

Mr Berry: Up to their little trotters in the trough.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Follett, would you please withdraw the remark.

Ms Follett: Equally reluctantly, Mr Speaker, I withdraw.

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