Page 1800 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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4.3: Figure 4 does not show the approved Fitness Track, Creative Play Centre or Peace Park on the northern and eastern sides of the School. These were built with community funds ...

4.4: Figure 4 shows a school building which does not exist.

4.5: ... a non-existent pedestrian crossing in Templeton Street.

4.6: The location of the pedestrian crossing in Lyttleton Crescent is incorrect.

4.7: Most of the background information in Section 2.3 is incorrect.

And they go on. The situation is that the thing has been botched. You have tried to do it in minimum time. You have given the authority a minimum time to get it out and they have got it wrong. The same, by the way, applies equally to Lyons and Hackett. I have letters from people in Lyons and Hackett. They have the same problems. The community association in Lyons and the Cook Community Association, at least, are doorknocking every member of their community. (Extension of time granted)

The community associations in those areas are busily doorknocking every member of their community in order to ensure that they have an appropriate response as a community response. That raises the question that Mr Humphries asked before: How are we going to know what the community wants as far as school reopening goes? Those community associations are prepared to doorknock every member of their community to find out, and that is not an easy task, as most of you who have doorknocked in political campaigns will know. It is not the most pleasant task, but that is how seriously this is taken.

You have given them three weeks to doorknock each member of the community, to bring back the ideas of each member of the community and then to draft the submission, after they have gone through this 16 centimetres high pile of documents. It simply is not enough time.

The motion that I have put up is a perfectly reasonable motion. It does not even go as far as Dr Kinloch suggests. Dr Kinloch, now that he is not tied by these Alliance boundaries, realises, as he has probably realised all along - as I am sure do Mr Jensen and Mr Collaery, and Ms Maher, who deals with her community out there in Belconnen - that this is simply not enough time to comment on an issue as vital as this.

The Cook Community Association is in the process of doorknocking their community and going through that procedure, but what about poor old Holder? They have only just established their community association. They are still trying to write the constitution for their community association and, parallel to that, the community, at a general meeting, authorised the steering group to prepare a

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