Page 1799 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 1 May 1991

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Mr Jensen: You can hand deliver.

MR MOORE: There is no provision for hand delivery as far as the advertisements and the draft variations are concerned.

Mr Jensen: Are you going to tell me that they will not accept it if they drop it off at the front desk? What a lot of rot.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Jensen!

MR MOORE: That is what people are working to, and you know it, Mr Jensen. The reason you are getting upset is that you know that you are doing the wrong thing here. You know that you went to the people on the basis of community consultation, and you know that this is a farce as far as community consultation goes. It is an absolute farce. It is a most appalling stance by those two members of the Rally if they will not support their out-of-government colleague, Dr Kinloch, in his call for an extension to 30 June.

Now, what are you going to do? Are you going to face up to the realities of the situation and give these people a reasonable chance to respond to these draft variations that are cutting the centre out of their neighbourhoods, or are you not going to? Just think how you would have felt if this was the time you were given to respond on Rocky Knoll. Just think how you would have felt, Mr Jensen - through you, Mr Speaker - when you were chair of the Tuggeranong Community Association if you had been given three weeks to respond to an issue like this. You would have been absolutely appalled.

Mr Collaery: I think the outcome of this, Mr Moore, will be far better than Rocky Knoll.

MR MOORE: Mr Collaery interjects that he hopes that the outcome of this will be better than for Rocky Knoll. You can help the outcome be better than for Rocky Knoll, Mr Collaery, by giving an extension of time to these people.

The Cook Community Association letter also talks about there being insufficient time for comment, and then goes on to talk about errors in the draft variation. They are numbered 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and here are some of them:

4.1: The distance scales ... are incorrect by a factor of 30 per cent.

4.2: A privately leased farm in Figure 2, "Hillview" is designated as community facility. This conveys the impression that Cook has substantial areas of land for community use beyond those of Section 13.

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