Page 1699 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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Mr Connolly, I think, made some cutting reference to travelling first class - it might have been Mr Berry; I cannot recall now - alleging that the Ministers travel everywhere first class. That is not the case. Many trips undertaken by Ministers in this Government are not first class; they are business or economy class. I have several times ridden in the back part of the plane.

Mr Duby: The only trip on which we go first class is to Perth.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am told that the only first-class travel we take is to Perth and, since I have never been to Perth, I have not had that benefit. The fact is that Ministers exercise a great deal of discretion in their travel budgets, and I think that Mr Berry should examine carefully just what travel we undertake. There has been this blanket allegation that we travel too much, but no-one has actually told us which trips we are making are the wrong trips or which trips are unnecessary. You cannot just point to that document and say that this proves that some meetings should not be attended. You do not know which meetings we do not attend because you have not asked us.

Mr Berry: But you are not even investigating; you do not care - willy-nilly.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is not true. You have not asked which meetings we do not attend. I have exercised my ministerial judgment on occasions, pursuant to the guidelines the Chief Minister articulated earlier on, and decided not to go to some conferences. I think Mr Connolly and Mr Berry ought to be aware that there is that kind of restraint being exercised. I think also it is very dangerous for the Opposition to talk about first-class travel in that fashion. I wonder what guidelines are being set down for any future Labor government. I would like to hear what they are.

Mr Kaine: What class did Rosemary travel to Perth in?

MR HUMPHRIES: Indeed. What class did Rosemary travel to Perth in? I wonder. There is a process for - - -

Mr Duby: That was to Melbourne, not to Perth.

MR HUMPHRIES: To Melbourne as well. Obviously these people are prepared to preach but not practise.

Mr Berry: So she ought to travel first class; she is first class.

MR HUMPHRIES: It is all right for Rosemary Follett to travel first class, but not for Ministers in the Alliance Government. I see. I understand perfectly now.

Mr Duby: Wayne is just cranky because he lost his tow bar.

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