Page 1698 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 30 April 1991

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Neither the Chief Minister nor the Deputy Chief Minister indicated that he intended to "carefully weigh" the necessity for the Territory to be involved in these processes. That is what I am concerned about - not all this twaddle about Ministers trying to justify their positions when they go away to the fishing Ministers conference, for example, and those sorts of issues. Some of the Ministers opposite would be very nervous about being up to their little trotters in ministerial perks, but one does not mind the trappings that go with office if Ministers are earning their money.

Mr Duby: Like committee members who do not earn their money.

MR BERRY: It is very interesting that one of the first to respond has been Mr Duby. Mr Duby might well have a guilty conscience on this subject. Methinks he protesteth too much. If the cap fits, wear it.

I think it also has to be made clear that Mr Humphries has, in fact, exercised some restraint. Some of us wish that he would leave the Territory occasionally and leave our health and education systems alone. If they are not broken, do not fix them. This Minister, by staying in the Territory, seems to have inflicted more damage on the health and education systems. Mr Speaker, I do not wish to test the matter of relevance in the course of this debate - although I have to say that it has been destroyed by previous speakers - but no amount of travel away from the Territory will relieve us of the instability which is caused by Mr Collaery's involvement in the Alliance Government and the dreadful impacts that it has had on the Territory.

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. We talk about relevance!

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. I believe that Mr Berry has concluded his remarks.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (8.54): Mr Speaker, I never cease to marvel at Mr Berry's comments.

Mr Berry: You should - because it happens mostly in health and education.

MR HUMPHRIES: He is getting sensitive already. I really think, Mr Speaker, that the sooner we see Mr Connolly take over as Deputy Leader of the Opposition - which, of course, is on the cards, as we all know - the better off this Assembly and indeed the Labor Party will be in terms of the quality of its speakers and contributions to this Assembly's debates.

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