Page 1588 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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This week we have seen another disaster which has arisen as a direct result of the joining of those parties opposite. We have seen the deliberate undermining of the best prospects in the ACT for improved employment and for appropriate development that we have seen in a long time.

Dr Kinloch: And destroying our heritage.

MR BERRY: I heard Dr Kinloch interject again. Dr Kinloch played a key role in undermining that project. He was supported by Mr Bernard Collaery and Mr Norman Jensen. The Residents Rally, as part of this Government, has caused great pain in the Territory. Its members have been directly responsible because of the effect they have had on the Government - the instability that they have caused in governing the Territory. They have directly caused one of the greatest difficulties that we will have in the foreseeable future in providing employment for the residents of Canberra.

Dr Kinloch, Mr Collaery and Mr Jensen can be happy in their undermining of the Government on the issue of the creation of employment in the Territory, but I wonder whether they will be happy if they are able to see the effects that the loss of employment prospects is having on those thousand people who will not have jobs as a direct result of their actions. I do not know how Dr Kinloch's conscience will affect him on that issue. He does not seem to be worrying; he is basking in the warmth of a victory. But he is the one - - -

Dr Kinloch: Mr Speaker, I believe that you have already - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, please resume your seat.

Mr Collaery: Dr Kinloch's point of order, Mr Speaker, is relevance. It is also my point of order.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, I uphold Mr Collaery's point of order. Please continue to the point.

MR BERRY: The issue, of course, is entirely relevant, Mr Speaker, because it is about planning in the Territory. It may be an embarrassment to the Residents Rally members, and it should be embarrassing for the Residents Rally because they have let the people of Canberra down.

My final comments, Mr Speaker, I will reserve for the Chief Minister and the Minister responsible for planning. He has not even bothered to take the time to come here and listen to the comments of the members of this Assembly concerned about the future of planning in the Australian Capital Territory. He has not even bothered to grace this Assembly with his presence. He does not care. This planning process has been a joke from the outset, and a rush job. The committees have been merely an extension of the Government and, Mr Speaker, I think this has proven it.

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