Page 1587 - Week 05 - Thursday, 18 April 1991

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Mr Jensen: To a few selected people.

MR BERRY: To a few selected people!

Mr Moore: To a few selected people, and I would like to know exactly who.

MR BERRY: You will not be told that.

Mr Jensen: It is in your letter.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Jensen, please!

MR BERRY: We have been promised it and it was waved around in this Assembly, tantalisingly; but it has never been handed out for general public view. It is farcical in the extreme to go through a process of committee hearings on a legislative package while sitting on a totally new version of the legislation. What a joke!

Mr Speaker, the Government has failed to deliver on this report. It has dominated the committees. But a few other issues, of course, need to be dealt with. (Extension of time granted) I do not like to ask these people for favours, because they might want one back and I am never quite in the mood to do that. Proponents of the - - -

Dr Kinloch: Come in, spinner.

MR BERRY: I am glad that Dr Kinloch is awake, because - - -

Mr Collaery: I raise a point of order.

MR BERRY: I withdraw that.

Mr Collaery: That is a reflection on the member.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Berry, please resume your chair.

Mr Collaery: I ask that it be withdrawn.

MR BERRY: I said, "I withdraw that".

I have a couple of other comments that I will draw from the additional comments, Mr Speaker. The proponents of an automatic renewal of the commercial leases argue that the need to renew operates as a disincentive to development in Canberra. No data was produced to substantiate this claim, and it is interesting to note that the same claim, also without data, was made in 1988 reviews.

Labor is committed to the imposition of a betterment tax where the lessee obtains a capital gain upon the approval of a lease purpose variation. Labor notes that no figures can be produced to show that the present or proposed tax regimes will adversely affect the community by hindering development. This party, unlike the conglomeration opposite, is committed to jobs and appropriate development.

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