Page 1384 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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Consulting Environmental Engineers

Purpose - review laboratory sampling and data collection requirements for Canberra

Sewage treatment facilities

Employed 18/10/89 - 11/2/91 Cost $8500

Coopers & Lybrand

Purpose - detailed review of security in the materials management operations of ACTEW

Employed 22/1/91 - 11/2/91 Cost $15 000


Purpose - flow treating and production of small publication on CIF Employed 16/11/89 - 31/12/90 Cost $25 360

Daryl Jackson Alastair Swain Purpose - provide expert comment on repair methods to asbestos cement sheet fasciae at LMWQCC Employed 9/2/91 - 11/2/91 Cost $3200

Design & Contract Management

Purpose - investigate, design and commission modifications to (1) burner controls (2)

centrifuge sludge handling and controls at LMWQCC

Employed 20/3/89 - 11/2/91 Cost $20 000

Design & Contract Management

Purpose - electrical design documentation, drawings and commissioning for Googong

Water Treatment Plant and Fyshwick

Employed 14/8/89 - 11/2/91 Cost $15 360

Efficient Applications Software Pty Ltd

Purpose - provide specialist advice on finite element analysis of structures using

"SUPERSET" computer software purchased by ACTEW

Employed 28/8/89 - 1/1/91 Cost $6500

ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd

Purpose - theoretical path and attenuation predictions; field survey of signal strength

using calibrated equipment; recommendations and report

Employed 10/12/90 - 14/2/90 Cost $3533

Facilities Management Pty Ltd

Purpose - undertake project definition of projects identified in sewage treatment

section maintenance audit - Stages 1&2

Employed 16/5/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $15 000

Facilities Management Pty Ltd

Purpose - consolidated list of proposed modifications and other changes and


Employed 14/1/91 - 14/3/91 Cost $21000


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