Page 1383 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 16 April 1991

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Australian Construction Services

Purpose - Capture of existing electrical asset data from hardcopy format to digital

format using GDS/ARC-NET

Employed 24/8/90 - 31/12/90 Cost $105 000

Australian Construction Services

Purpose - rise/fall assessment

Employed 9/11/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $2000

Australian Construction Services

Purpose - assistance with selection of Engineer

Employed 26/11/90 - 30/11/90 Cost $1250

Australian Construction Services

Purpose - earthworks supervision for contract

Employed 10/1/91 - 11/2/91 Cost $12000

Australian Construction Services

Purpose - Googong Dam remedial works - earthworks supervision

Employed 10/1/91 - 10/2/91 Cost $12 000

Australian Valuation Office

Purpose - professional valuations of corporate land and buildings

Employed 23/11/90 - 24/12/90 Cost $5000

BHP Engineering

Purpose - 10-20 year capital and maintenance planning review

Employed December 1990 to current Cost $100 000 (est)

Ginnie & Partners

Purpose - establish design criteria and functional requirements statement for

ventilation improvement Project S25

Employed 3/9/90 - 3/12/90 Cost $25 000

Carnet Pty Ltd

Purpose - capture of existing electrical asset data from hardcopy format to digital

format using GDS/ARC-NET

Employed 31/1/90 - 11/2/91 Cost $69 600

Coffey Partners International Pty Ltd

Purpose - provision of laboratory soil testing services on samples provided by

ACTEW staff

Employed 4/9/89 - 11/2/91 Cost $8000

Commit Associates Pty Ltd

Purpose - Undertake specific air quality analyses - furnace stack monitoring

Employed 1/2/91 - 11/2/91 Cost $11 000


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