Page 1224 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Mr Deputy Speaker, I have proposed adding to the original Bill, in subsections 9(a)(iii) and 9(b)(iii), the words "the values shall be based on the unimproved capital value of the land". That is a simple method which implements another part of Residents Rally policy to ensure that there is less rorting going on when we are looking at the valuation of a lease. It gives a consistent method. Without a consistent method of handling the lease system, there are possibilities for rorting. It is that sort of consistency, of course, that the Government is attempting to bring about in bringing down this Bill. It just seems to me that the Bill is an interim measure and we have the opportunity to deal with these issues. We should deal with them appropriately. We should take on the responsibility of ensuring that we can provide an appropriate social justice system for the people of Canberra. Those members who were elected to represent the Residents Rally have an opportunity now to vote in accordance with the policies upon which they were elected.

MR COLLAERY (Attorney-General) (5.39): My colleague Mr Jensen will respond in detail to that. All I want to say is that I find Mr Moore's exhortation to us in the Rally extraordinary. It is he who has left the Rally and has failed to influence matters effectively from the sidelines to which he has consigned himself. We did not get any concessions from the Labor Party in line with Residents Rally policies whilst we were sitting on the other side of this house - - -

Mr Moore: You never tried.

MR COLLAERY: We certainly did. I remind Mr Moore that we mentioned betterment on numerous occasions in this Assembly. The fact is that this is an Alliance Government; it is not a pure Rally Government. Mr Moore knows that. I want to put something on the record for the benefit of those friends of planners, and there are many in this Territory. Mr Moore and the Rally still share some of those mutual friends. I want to put it on the record that the Rally's inability, perhaps, to effect this may well be due to Mr Moore's defection to the sidelines and to the assignment, the ineffectual assignment, that he has given himself. I believe that the school groups in the community and others are now realising what Mr Moore has cost the Residents Rally.

MR JENSEN (5.40): In response to the comments made by Mr Moore, I think it is appropriate to continue on from what my colleague Mr Collaery has said. It is true that the Residents Rally had a policy for 100 per cent betterment. The Labor Party had a policy, I believe, not for 100 per cent betterment; I seem to recall that it was a 50 per cent betterment, up to 100 per cent. On that basis, the Alliance Government's policy was established soon after the Alliance was formed. I quote from page 4 of the policy on land planning and development and leasehold management. One of the issues to be addressed is as follows:

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