Page 1223 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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To put that in another frame, Mr Deputy Speaker, on the second page of my amendment you will see the formula "A-B" in proposed subsection 9A which changes the notion of betterment being a 50 per cent betterment to it being a 100 per cent betterment. That has always been the policy of the Residents Rally. Of course, it was a major plank of the Residents Rally. Under these circumstances I would expect to see members of the Residents Rally stay with their policy, which is for a 100 per cent betterment tax.

Rather than repeat many of the issues that I have raised, I would like to quote David Hall once again. He talks about the leasehold system at point 12 of his paper and he says:

... during the last twenty years or less, the system has been fundamentally weakened in four ways:

(i) In the case of domestic leases these have been effectively given to leaseholders and are now virtually freehold ...

(ii) The second way in which the leasehold system has been weakened is through the abolition of land rents ...

(iii) The third way in which the leasehold system has been weakened is through its separation from the planning process ...

(iv) Lack of adequate enforcement of lease purpose clauses is another major weakness ...

That is something we could draw attention to. David Hall does compliment the Alliance Government on a number of the issues that they have taken up, as indeed I have.

Mr Jensen: What page are you looking at?

MR MOORE: I am referring to pages 47 and 48. David Hall has actually complimented the ACT Alliance Government in a number of ways; nevertheless, he does draw attention to the fact that the leasehold system is being weakened. If we are to look for social justice in Canberra, one of the areas that we should start in is our leasehold system because it does provide us with a basis for genuine social justice and a very equitable way to distribute the value of the land amongst all members of the community. That is a basic part of my own philosophy in terms of the leasehold system. I believe that we have the opportunity now - we will have another opportunity when the new planning legislation comes in - to ensure that we have a 100 per cent betterment tax and to ensure that we can hand to the people of this community an appropriate strategy for their own social justice.

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