Page 1172 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, I would also like to refer to Mr Collaery's comments about the lease, and in this regard I do accept that Mr Collaery might have been confused. The lease to which Mr Collaery referred in his comments actually expired on 28 February 1991. I stand by my comments that the service has not been consulted on any proposed new lease or renewal of the existing lease.

Indeed, the copy of the lease that Mr Collaery received on his visit to the centre was the existing lease, the one that has expired, and as at 12 o'clock today, I understand, the service has had no advice as to whether any new lease has been signed. I am also advised that the service is still waiting for details in writing as to the allocation of funds - - -

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: This is a flagrant disregard of standing orders. It is not a personal explanation, and Ms Follett has not put forward one shred of evidence to disprove the statements made. She is entering new argument from another source.

Ms Follett: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: Mr Collaery said in debate that I had traded "off ignorance, prejudice and ideological standpoints". The whole of my argument is that that is a misrepresentation.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Ms Follett. I would ask you to conclude your statement.

MS FOLLETT: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I will conclude my comments by quoting from a letter from the service to Mr Collaery dated 14 March.

Mr Kaine: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I am not interested in a letter from a third party. Ms Follett claims to have been misrepresented. A letter from some third party has nothing to do with what she might or might not have said.

MR SPEAKER: I uphold your objection, Chief Minister. Ms Follett, I direct you to conclude, because I believe that you are introducing new information as well.

Mr Berry: There is no debate before the house. She has been given leave to speak, for heaven's sake.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry!

Mr Berry: What is the worth of you giving leave, Mr Speaker, if - - -

MR SPEAKER: For a personal explanation, Mr Berry. This is debating an issue. It is bringing forward debating points. I draw that statement to a conclusion.

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