Page 1171 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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Mr Berry: On the point of order: It is very clear that the Leader of the Opposition has claimed to have been misrepresented and has been granted leave to make an explanation about that. She has been allowed to make that statement and should be allowed to conclude it.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I believe that the Leader of the Opposition should put it on as a substantive motion, if she believes that the facts given to the Assembly are wrong - and she has also quoted selectively again.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Follett, I think you were introducing argument into your explanation and I would ask you to get to the point.

MS FOLLETT: Mr Speaker, I am claiming to have been misrepresented. Mr Collaery also claimed:

It was entirely improper ... to make all those propositions which are fundamentally wrong and clearly untrue.

My office has had the opportunity to contact the service regarding Mr Collaery's comments. I am advised that, on any statistical basis, there has been an enormous reduction in services previously offered from the Weston Creek Health Centre.

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Standing order 46 states:

... a member may explain matters of a personal nature ...

We are not hearing anything of a personal nature. We are not hearing how Ms Follett claims to have been misrepresented; she is simply making another statement on this matter. I ask that the point of order raised by Mr Jensen be ruled on.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Follett, I believe that you are introducing argument. It is not a personal explanation that you are giving if you are telling us that staff have checked into statistics, et cetera. I believe that you are drawing a long bow, Ms Follett, and I would ask you to conclude your point.

Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, I am claiming to have been misrepresented.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I would ask you to draw your statement to a conclusion.

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