Page 1168 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I ask a supplementary question. Mr Duby, are you satisfied that the parents of Lyons believe that you have met their conditions when they - - -

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: This question seeks a speculative response; it is a speculative question. I refer to standing order 117.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

Mr Duby: More to the point, though - and whilst it is frankly a foolish question asking me to surmise - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order! I will allow the question. As the Minister has indicated that he is prepared to accept the question, please proceed.

MR MOORE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. The question I am really asking is: Do you believe that you have met your commitment to establish a task force, and that that is the understanding that the parents had - that the single ad hoc meeting you had on that Tuesday meets the commitment that you made to those parents and their understanding of that commitment?

MR DUBY: Of course this Government has met its commitment to address the issues relating to safety and road traffic management concerning the Curtin school. What the people from Curtin and Lyons have in mind, I do not know. As to the understanding and firm commitment given by me, as Acting Minister for Education, during the dispute over the refurbishment of Curtin school, I must point out that it is now being touted around town that somehow the supposed bans were lifted because we had agreed to have a task force. The bans were lifted for the simple reason that the work was being done and the people who were opposed to it had realised that they could not stop a Government that was firm in its conviction from doing what it wanted to do. That is the bottom line.

In relation to the issues that these people have raised, the importance of which we, as a reasonable government, have always accepted - namely, the safety of children and their access to school - - -

Mr Moore: You have not. Think of the Estimates Committee; you admitted that you had reduced the safety.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore!

MR DUBY: Please, let me answer the question. We have always recognised that the safety of children is paramount. I think the very fact that this meeting was held justifies that. Other meetings have been held between Mr Graeme Shoobridge and representatives from the groups. Some people may have wished to somehow establish an ongoing, frequently meeting committee called a task force - and they can call it a task force or whatever they want.

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