Page 1167 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 1991

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plus members of the Curtin school board and the Curtin P and C Association. We had Marie Zuvich, the secretary of the Lyons Community Council; Hugh Saddler from the P and C Council; Mike Castle, deputy general manager of ACTION; Sharon Blanchfield from ACTION; Tony Gill, a traffic engineer from my department; Kevin Gill from the Ministry for Health, Education and the Arts; Cheryl O'Connor from the Ministry for Health, Education and the Arts; and Ian Hotchkiss from the Industrial Relations Branch. In addition, we had apologies from Charles McDonald from the Trades and Labor Council. So much for short notice!

Mr Moore: Yes, who had one hour's notice.

MR DUBY: I beg your pardon! It looks like poor old Charles could not make it because he did not get enough notice. Mind you, so many other people did.

The minutes of that meeting clearly show and demonstrate that it was agreed that the need for traffic safety measures required the application of professional judgment, in the light of objective data about traffic conditions, and could not be determined by any democratic process or popular vote or political carping. The meeting further agreed that the meeting had satisfactorily addressed traffic safety issues relating to the proposed closure of the Lyons Primary School and that the Lyons community may pursue a number of other issues relating to the permanent opening of the Lyons school but not safety issues because they had been firmly and fully addressed by that meeting.

On top of that, a whole range of other issues were raised in relation to safety issues, including the overall effectiveness of the new traffic arrangements, the footpaths that have not yet been constructed, the removal of an existing 40 kilometres an hour school zone from Launceston Street, and the need for safety rails on footpaths adjacent to the Marrawah Street footpath and in other areas such as the intersection of Theodore Street and Carruthers Street, et cetera. In respect of all traffic arrangements that were introduced, the representatives from both the Lyons and Curtin school communities have a firm commitment from this Government that any objections or problems raised by them will be addressed.

Accordingly, I would like to know just exactly what Mr Moore is trying to get at when he says that a commitment to a school safety task force relating to traffic and pedestrian access to this Curtin site has not been addressed by this Government. No matter what has been raised by the people from that area, it has been looked at and addressed, and guarantees have been given. When that school closes - and close it will - at the end of this term, all guarantees given by this Government will have been met and the measures will be in place for the start of the new school term when the new school at Curtin is operating.

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