Page 884 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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that in his question yesterday Mr Moore deliberately - then again he is so dopey that maybe he did not think of it - said that the meetings happened towards the end of 1990 when, of course, both the Chief Minister and the Minister for Health were absent from this country. So the imputation referred only to me or the Deputy Chief Minister and Attorney-General. As far as I am concerned, that is the clear situation. These clandestine meetings, it turns out, appear to be no more than what people in our line of business engage in on a regular, social basis at various functions and social gatherings which we are required to attend or choose to attend.

We are all losers today, but the biggest loser out of today's episode undoubtedly has been Mr Moore. He has been shown up to be what he is - a cheap thrill seeker who will do anything, anything at all, to get his name in the newspaper. I think now that he has turned out to be not only that but an impostor and a fraud in making these allegations in the first place.

Mr Moore: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Are you going to protect me from that language or not?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, unfortunately you have brought this upon yourself, as I see it.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I would ask you - - -

MR DUBY: Will you please resume your seat?

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Duby! Mr Moore, is this a point of order?

Mr Moore: I would ask you to present a balanced position from the chair, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: It is very difficult to do so sometimes, Mr Moore. Please proceed, Mr Duby.

Mr Collaery: That is an imputation.

MR DUBY: It certainly is. We have now heard this ludicrous suggestion that Mr Moore has taken a statutory declaration by someone - it could only be a mischievous declaration in the first place - covered the name of the person and shown it to Mr Connolly. I notice, of course, that Mr Connolly, Ms Follett, Mr Berry and Mrs Grassby are sensible enough and cautious enough to have removed themselves from this Assembly during this outrageous and disgusting display of yours.

I am fascinated also as to why the name, in someone's handwriting, was shown to Mr Connolly. It would seem to me that it may have been a little bit more appropriate to show it to Ms Follett. The statement that Mr Moore has put up indicates to me that the thing is either a complete fabrication or a complete distortion of the facts; an out-

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