Page 883 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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The outcome of his allegations will certainly be great damage to the office of the Attorney in this Territory. It will make the news, of course. The media will feel obliged to report it. It is a great blow to me personally and to my family, and I trust that Mr Moore is satisfied with what he has done to my career.

Mr Moore: I believe, Mr Speaker, that a question was asked. Should I seek leave to answer the question that Mr Collaery asked, which he should have asked through the Chair? I will answer it very briefly.

Mr Kaine: Yes, please answer it, and we will know exactly who you are and what you are; and we will not forget.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Chief Minister!

Leave granted.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I have decided not to respond with the sort of attitude of the revolting old man over there.


Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order. Mr Moore has flouted standing orders in this place at least a dozen times this afternoon in a whole series of ways - calling people names deliberately across the chamber, knowing he will have to withdraw them; flouting your ruling three times on whether he could speak on a particular matter in this place. I ask you to name him now.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, I would ask you to refer to the request made to you by Mr Collaery and answer the questions posed to you.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, Mr Collaery asked me whether the person was a past or present member of the ACT Administration. I made it very clear, Mr Speaker, that I intend to protect my source. I will continue to protect that source.

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Affairs) (4.04): Mr Speaker, I would like to get on the record that I think this is the most outrageous, disgusting attack on people's integrity that I have heard in a long time. First of all, to my way of thinking the key words in the supplementary question that Mr Moore asked yesterday were "clandestine meetings".

So far this supposed piece of information that people have seen refers to people meeting at the race track. I for one know for a fact that I have met people involved with the supposed casino project at social occasions. Mr Collaery mentioned one occasion that I can think of straight away - the show jumping at Glebe Park. I attended that, quite rightfully and quite properly. I dare say that other members would be in the same category. I should point out

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