Page 881 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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Mr Moore: Mr Duby in turn and Mr Collaery have said that that is entirely appropriate. I ask you to pull them into line.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I did not hear the comment.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, why do you not ask the Chief Minister did he say it? It was heard by these members. You can hardly say that you did not hear it.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Please proceed, Mr Collaery.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, the luncheon was pursued on Black Opal Day last and a gentleman was brought into the room and introduced to me as a Mr White - clearly Mr Geoff White of White Industries whom we all met at the opening of the National Convention Centre. No more than a most perfunctory word has passed between me and Mr White. As members here know, so profoundly do I take my duties in relation to this casino tender that I declined an invitation to attend the show jumping in Glebe Park because it was hosted by White Industries. Now, that is an excessive response on my part. I believe that other Ministers or members did not feel so constrained, but the fact is that I put a very high standard on this matter.

Mr Moore does not understand what he has done today. He has impugned the first law officer of the Territory. There is no-one to judge me or to investigate me because I am responsible for the policing of the Territory. It is now incumbent on the Chief Minister and my colleagues to determine whether they use the mechanism which is employed in this country to clear an Attorney when an allegation like this is made. That could be a reference to the chair of the National Crime Authority, Mr Justice John Phillips. That would involve an investigation of these matters which I am quite confident would clear me entirely. But I do say, Mr Speaker, that I have been put upon today by the most scandalous allegations that I have heard in all my practising career.

Mr Kaine: So have the other three Ministers, by that thing across there.

MR COLLAERY: What he has done is a disgrace. He has effectively - - -

Mr Moore: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. I recall a reference last evening to Mr Duby as "that thing". You asked Mr Berry on a number of occasions to withdraw such comments. I would ask you to apply the same standard to the old fool there.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, it is unfortunate that words are used across the chamber. I wish all members would restrain themselves at this time. It is not doing anything for the debate.

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