Page 880 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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that goes with it. If Mr Moore is suggesting that I have had private discussions with casino principals, then I can assure the house - - -

Mr Duby: In connection with the casino.

MR COLLAERY: In connection with the casino. I can assure the house that I have not. I can also assure the house that on the unnamed day, the Black Opal meeting - there have been only two in my time as Minister - I was required as Minister responsible for racing to be at the racecourse. I have met only one person who could remotely fit the description of casino principal. That was at the last Black Opal meeting, just a couple of weeks ago - a very successful day for me until now - when I went as a guest of the chair of the racing club. My colleague Mr Kaine sat with the chairman, a Mr Dugald Stuart. I sat with his deputy, Mr Colquhoun, his wife and my wife, and some other representatives, and across a table - - -

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I am quite happy for Mr Collaery to deal with this in a substantive motion if he wishes; but I believe that we are speaking to standing order 213 and this is totally irrelevant to standing order 213. By all means have a substantive motion - - -

Mr Collaery: I am speaking to scandal, Mr Speaker; I am addressing scandal.

Mr Kaine: Yes, one that you have avoided your responsibility on, you scumbag.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I think under the circumstances - - -

Mr Moore: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: I will finish my statement. Under the circumstances of what has been said here today, I will allow Mr Collaery leniency to proceed slightly at divergence from the motion which is before the house which relates to the tabling of the document. I think it has opened up general discussion.

Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: What is your point of order, Mr Moore?

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, the Chief Minister referred to me as a scumbag. I think that is particularly unparliamentary and I think it is entirely inappropriate.

Mr Collaery: It is entirely appropriate.

Mr Duby: It is entirely appropriate. It is straight out of Mr Keating's mouth.

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