Page 872 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, I ask you to withdraw at this stage. You then are in a position to prove your point one way or the other, but you cannot draw the conclusion before you present your facts.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I can see no reason whatsoever. If I wish to make an allegation - - -

Mr Collaery: Oh, name him. Mr Speaker, you are bringing the chamber into disrepute and you are allowing this man to head you. I say that with great respect, Mr Speaker. You either name this man, or make him do what you gave him leave to do. We want to hear it, and he will live with it.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. Order!

MR MOORE: Are you getting touchy, Collaery? I withdraw anything they find offensive, Mr Speaker. I do not know why we raise these things if they are going to get offended at them.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Moore. Please proceed.

MR MOORE: He is the one who set it up. At the time, Mr Speaker - - -

Mr Kaine: Well, we will see how you feel about that when you get a writ.


MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, this man is interjecting again. Can you control the Chief Minister, or name him?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Thank you, Mr Moore; please proceed. Members, please; this is a very serious event. Let us do it with some decorum.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, Mr Collaery's response at that time prompted me to interject, "Methinks thou protesteth too much". The further action from Mr Collaery in bringing this motion indicates quite clearly that he has some concerns about his own conduct. It indicates that he has in some way acted inappropriately.

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