Page 871 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, I just do not believe that you can allow this to continue. Mr Moore has been asked by this Assembly to explain himself. What he has done so far is attack everybody in the Assembly except himself. I think it has just gone too far. Mr Speaker, when he goes on radio and says that there are two or more Ministers involved, and he does not name them, I presume, by implication, that I am one of them. Now, I resent that, and I require that he answer the request put to him by the Assembly and not continue to smear everybody in this house. I do not believe that you should tolerate it, Mr Speaker.

Mr Berry: I hope to bring some sense into this debate. The Government has it open to them, I suggest, to withdraw leave. It can just move that leave be withdrawn.

Mr Kaine: That is not correct, and you know it, Mr Berry.

Mr Duby: Mr Speaker, I would ask that Mr Moore withdraw his statement that some action of mine, in particular, and of Mr Collaery is an indication of guilt. I regard that as absolutely disgusting and outrageous.

MR SPEAKER: I uphold that objection, Mr Duby. Mr Moore, the point you made was that they were running around and by some mannerism had indicated guilt. I think that is a long bow, and I ask you to withdraw it.

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I am responding. I am responding, with leave, to an allegation. If I draw that long bow as part of my allegation, then allow - - -

Mr Duby: He is further alleging that I am guilty of some offence.


Mr Moore: I am responding to the point of order, Mr Speaker. If, in responding to those allegations, I draw some long bow, as indeed Mr Collaery did in 1989, then let me be judged for putting weak allegations.

MR SPEAKER: I would just ask you, under the words - - -

Mr Moore: What I am responding to is the allegations. That is the point of it.

Mr Duby: I would like the implication of guilt withdrawn.

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