Page 865 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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MR MOORE: Sit down, you old fool.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Moore!

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I wish to address this point of order. I have the right to do so.

MR SPEAKER: Yes. Please proceed.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, the motion moved by me as leader of Government business yesterday was quite explicit. It was to put up or shut up. Mr Moore should put up now. He can embellish it later. We want to know the details of his allegation. We need to know who the Minister or Ministers are, if they exist; the nature of the allegations; the names of the principals. They should be put on the table, Mr Speaker. He has been given leave to do that. That is what he was given leave to do, and he should speak to that. He has already started off as a victim and he is embellishing his response.

MR SPEAKER: Do any other members wish to speak to this point of order?

Mr Berry: I have made my point that he has been given leave.

MR SPEAKER: I would rule, Mr Moore, that you restrict your reply to the immediate question. If you wish to then proceed to a further embellishment, that can be done at a later time. Please proceed.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I have a prepared speech. I am prepared at this stage to respond to this allegation and to respond in an appropriate way. I clearly have leave to respond. Now, there is no restriction on the way I respond. I have leave to respond. I will respond, Mr Speaker. I assure you that my speech has been prepared in such a way that I will lead to an appropriate response. I believe that that is entirely appropriate, Mr Speaker, and I ask that you reconsider that ruling.

MR SPEAKER: I will take advice on this matter.

Mr Moore, the situation is as indicated previously. You were asked to respond to a particular question. You were given leave to do so by the assembled members because of the understanding that you were answering the direct question posed. Regardless of the fact that your speech is prepared, I would ask you to get to the original points and then go back to the original statements if leave is then granted for you to do so. I would ask you to answer the question as proposed. The problem is that, if you do embellish to such an extent that it brings in other issues, the original question that you have been asked to answer will be clouded and not obvious to those who have given you the leave to respond.

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