Page 864 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 13 March 1991

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The motion carried by the house yesterday was prepared by Mr Collaery and states:

That this House calls upon Mr Moore to:

(1) name the alleged Minister or Ministers of the Alliance Government who he alleged in question time yesterday had met with the principals of the firms involved in tendering for the casino; and

(2) provide the date or dates of any alleged meetings, the identity of the stated principals, and any other information to assist the House to assess the accuracy of these allegations.

Mr Speaker, I would like to take the house back to 6 July 1989, when this house decided that it was appropriate to suspend so much of the standing orders as would prevent Mr Collaery from having enough time to address the members of the Assembly on the matter of ministerial and public service impropriety in the ACT. Mr Speaker, that motion - - -

Mr Kaine: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I have no idea of the relevance of what Mr Moore just said to the matter under attention. Mr Moore has been required by this Assembly to provide details of an allegation that he made. Something that happened in the Assembly in the past is totally irrelevant to that. He is required by this Assembly - I repeat "required by this Assembly" - to justify his statement. I would suggest that he ought to be required to keep to the point, to keep to the facts and to make a statement on that matter.

Mr Berry: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: Leave has been granted, I understand, Mr Speaker.

Mr Moore: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: I sought leave to respond to the motion. I was given leave to respond - not respond in any particular way; to respond - and that is what I intend to do.

MR SPEAKER: I would ask you not to embellish the story, please, Mr Moore. Please proceed.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I have been given leave to respond. I intend to continue responding in the way that I feel like responding.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker, he is obviously determined not to take any notice of your ruling, no matter what it is.

MR MOORE: Do not ignore the Speaker.

Mr Kaine: I will not ignore the Speaker; you had better not either.

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