Page 805 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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Mr Collaery: He also said that you were stupid.

MR SPEAKER: I would ask you to withdraw that, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I will not repeat it. I think it is - - -

MR SPEAKER: Please just withdraw it to save the conflict that will result if you do not.

MR BERRY: Which one, the "stupid" or the "lamebrain"?

MR SPEAKER: Probably both.

Ms Follett: No, you have let "stupid" in many times and "lamebrain" at least once.

MR SPEAKER: I doubt that. Please just withdraw them. This is a serious matter and I would like it to be treated seriously.

MR BERRY: I withdraw those matters unreservedly, Mr Speaker; but I will continue to argue against all of the things that happened in that dreadful war - the deaths of those people who were with the allied forces, the disaster that was impacted upon Israel and all of the nations in that region.

For this person, Mr Duby, to impute in some way that I supported what happened to Israeli citizens in that war is a complete and utter outrage and has to be treated with the deepest contempt. It is a low thing to say, and I will not forget that, because it deserves - - -

MR SPEAKER: Your time has expired, Mr Berry.

MR BERRY: I think standing order 46 permits me to ramble for a while, Mr Speaker.

Mr Humphries: You have not asked for leave to make a personal explanation.

MR SPEAKER: He is making a personal explanation, but it is also - - -

Mr Collaery: But he has not got leave, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: He has leave.

MR BERRY: I have leave from the Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Duby, are you wishing to take a point of order?

Mr Duby: No, Mr Speaker, I am waiting to speak.

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