Page 804 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 12 March 1991

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MR SPEAKER: Please use parliamentary language.

MR BERRY: When a person like this person over here named Mr Duby says the sorts of things about me that he did, attempting to impugn me the way he did, then I cannot think of language that would be strong enough to describe him. What is clear in all of this debate is that Mr Duby and Mr Stefaniak are prepared to applaud the war. There is no question about that. I condemn all wars; I see no good in them. As I have said before, there can be nothing good gained from that war when it weighs so heavily on such a large group of people. There were 130,000 or 150,000 people killed. The standard of living in that country will be affected as far forward as we can imagine.

Mr Jensen: Deaths in the Baltic states.


MR BERRY: If this stupid person over here cannot be serious about something and keep his mind on the issue that is before the place - - -

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry!

Mr Collaery: Cool it down.

MR BERRY: I am not going to cool it down. I am not going to be treated as an ignoramus by lamebrains like that.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry!

Mr Jensen: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. That clearly is an insulting statement and I request Mr Berry to withdraw it.

MR BERRY: If the cap fits, wear it. Sit down.

MR SPEAKER: Unfortunately, I was calling Mr Berry to order and I did not hear the comment.

Mr Jensen: Oh, Mr Speaker!

MR SPEAKER: Mr Jensen, I did not hear the comment. I was asking for order in the house when you were apparently insulted.

Mr Jensen: Mr Speaker, would you like me to say what Mr Berry said?

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I would love that. It will go well on the record. Please proceed.

Mr Jensen: Mr Berry referred to me as a lamebrain, Mr Speaker. I wish that to be withdrawn. It is as simple as that.

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