Page 681 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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Mr Moore: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. The imputations are so clear, Mr Speaker, that under standing order 202(b) I believe that this Minister has been guilty of quite disorderly conduct in questioning that Mr Berry is taking money for that.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Moore. I have had just about enough of the childish behaviour on both sides of the house. If you do not settle down, I will adjourn the Assembly. The situation, Mr Collaery, is that the statement you just made is incorrect. Mr Berry does attend the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedures as I have indicated before. So I would ask you to withdraw that comment.

Mr Duby: He does not earn his pay on the planning committee, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: That is not what Mr Collaery said, Mr Duby.

Mr Duby: This was debated ad infinitum this morning and you said nothing.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Duby, please get on your feet if you are going to address me.

Ms Follett: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. Mr Duby, by way of interjection, just said that Mr Berry does not earn his pay. I think that he must be asked to withdraw that statement.

Mr Duby: This was debated this morning, Mr Speaker, ad nauseam, and the point was: "Earn your money, earn your pay". It was said to all of you, and none of you objected then.

Ms Follett: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I do object. I think there is a clear imputation contained in Mr Duby's remarks, an imputation that must be withdrawn.

Mr Duby: You did not object this morning; then again, you were not here, were you?

MR SPEAKER: Order! I do not believe that it is a valid point of order. Please proceed, Mr Collaery.

Mr Berry: Has he withdrawn the imputation against me yet?

MR COLLAERY: I will conclude my remarks.

MR SPEAKER: Who, Mr Berry?

Mr Berry: Mr Collaery. Has he withdrawn the imputation?

MR SPEAKER: I think he has done that. Have you, Mr Collaery? I asked you to withdraw - - -

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