Page 680 - Week 02 - Thursday, 21 February 1991

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MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, any other parliament would be able to get these committees together, but not this one. It is to the discredit of those opposite who resist a sensible motion to save Government funds and to get the best service for the ACT people out of this Assembly. I think that ratepayers, were they in the Assembly this afternoon, would be ashamed of what has been going on. They would be appalled at what this Opposition will stoop to to delay the processes of good government in the Territory.

Mr Speaker, they stand condemned on their own actions. The Hansard will reveal it. If only a couple of my colleagues on this side of the house, the chairman of the Standing Committee on Planning, Development and Infrastructure Mr Jensen, and my dear friend and colleague Dr Kinloch, could speak with candour about what is going on in those committees and the lack of cooperation that is evident to me, listening to this debate today, from the Opposition. Mr Berry has drawn a salary. He has drawn an allowance for being a member of this Assembly - - -

Mr Moore: I take a point of order, Mr Speaker. That is a dastardly attack. There is no such thing.

Mr Berry: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker.


MR COLLAERY: He has not yet secured an allowance. Mr Speaker, Mr Berry has drawn a salary. I will leave it at that.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery!

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, the Minister opposite has accused me of receiving funds which I am not entitled to. I receive no allowances. This disgraceful imputation has to be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Thank you, Mr Berry; your point is obvious.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, of course Mr Berry has not received an allowance. He has received his salary here.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you.

MR COLLAERY: And there is no - - -

Mr Berry: I take a point of order. Is he going to be ordered to withdraw it?

Mr Jensen: He has already withdrawn it.

MR COLLAERY: Sit down. Mr Speaker, this man is drawing a full Assembly salary and not participating in the committee structure of this Assembly.

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