Page 469 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 20 February 1991

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MRS GRASSBY (10.44): One of the greatest achievements, among the many achievements of the Follett Labor Government, was the total review of housing policy, which we put into place as soon as we achieved government. There were many important recommendations arising from the review, not the least of which was the decision to establish a rental bond trust. Of course, until quite recently these important measures were not acted upon by the Liberal dominated Government, but what else could you really expect?

A rental bond trust, as laid out in the Labor Party's Bill, would provide protection for both tenant and landlord. Under our proposal, all residential tenancy bonds would be deposited with the rental bond trust, which would act as a custodian of the bonds. It would be compulsory for both private landlords and real estate agents to lodge bond moneys with the trust within a limited time period. Much of the interest earned by the rental bond trust would be used to assist lower income renters and others disadvantaged in the private rental market. Of course, we could not expect a Liberal coalition to show any real concern for the lower income earners, and the Alliance rental bond Bill is yet another example of the Residents Rally caving in to Liberal Party "law of the jungle" economics.

I would just like to add to what Mr Moore said about the photograph of the Chief Minister in the paper. He said that it was a very good photograph. All I would like to say is, "everybody to his own taste", and that is what the old woman said when she kissed the cow behind the tail. I thought it was a pretty terrible photograph; I thought maybe Mr Humphries chose it.

Let us face facts, Mr Speaker. The proposal being put forward by Mr Collaery is nothing but a watered-down version of the Labor Party's Bill; it is a thoroughly compromised version. Under our proposal a five-person statutory rental bond trust board would be created to oversee the operations of the trust; it would have a membership drawn from government, industry and the community. May I add here that most of the real estate agents to whom I have spoken would welcome our bond board, as they say that it would cause a lot less problems for them.

The New South Wales Government under Greiner has demolished any of the good things that the Labor Party put into power there, but I notice that they were very quick to keep the rental bond board, because it brought them in so much money. Of course, after they had quite a bit of money in kitty, they then decided to pay people interest on their bonds. I think this has been the only very good decision they have made since they have been in power.

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