Page 468 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 20 February 1991

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I think that, in fact, the actual language there is unnecessarily complicated. To give credit to Mr Connolly, he made it quite clear that he did not perceive it as being perfectly drafted and he asked for comments on it. We have had it since September, and that is not something which I have drawn his attention to, because it was only when re-reading it over the last couple of days that it actually came to my attention, and I apologise for that.

We do have to be careful. Even if we find that we are a bit repetitive in legislation, I do not see that as a problem if, in fact, it simplifies the language. Then, the people who are reading it, understand it. So, instead of using phrases such as "this might be exempt" and "that applies" and "by omitting", we can state exactly what is meant. If it has to be set out in legalese, this means that it will be necessary to clarify it in such a way that it is adequate for people who are reading the legislation, but do not have that ability.

In conclusion, I say that in principle I certainly support this Bill. I do not accept the notions that we have had put forward by the Canberra Times, and I think that, in fact, it is out of touch on this particular issue. There is one final thing that I almost neglected to draw attention to, and that is the make-up of the board. There will be five members; the chairman of the board will be from the ACT Commissioner of Housing, and there will be a number of other people. One shall be a person appointed by the Minister who has had, in his opinion, experience in the real estate industry. I wondered whether, in fact, Mr Connolly had Mr Kaine in mind, because I read this advertisement in the Canberra Times - it was in the Canberra Times, I think, on Sunday, or it might have been Saturday - which was put out by Peter Blackshaw. I see that a picture of Mr Brown - who used to be a Minister for this Territory, and who was, I understand, paid some thousands of dollars for his participation in the opening of the Gleneagles Country Club - and of Mr Kaine is featured there.

Mr Kaine: A good photograph, and I did it for free.

MR MOORE: No doubt, and I am pleased that I do not even have to ask Mr Kaine the question as to whether or not he did it for free. He has interjected that he did. Nevertheless, it is quite a lovely photograph there of Mr Kaine supporting the real estate industry. I wonder whether that fits in with the definition that Mr Connolly has here, "experience in the real estate industry", because that does appear to be the case. It could well be that after the next election, Chief Minister, somebody will be asking you whether you would like a position on the Rental Bond Board, considering your experience in the real estate industry.

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