Page 435 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 1991

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Mr Berry: You can have an extension if you tell us the figures.

MR STEVENSON: I seek a short extension - - -

Ms Follett: If you give us the figures.

MR STEVENSON: (Extension of time granted) I do not have the exact figures with me. I believe - - -

Mr Berry: You should have told us that before you got the extension.

MR STEVENSON: I have the extension. The figures were low.

Mr Duby: What were they? Give us an example.

MR STEVENSON: I am not sure.

Mr Wood: You knew everybody else's.

MR STEVENSON: Let me make this point: Bring a group of people together and let me talk to them for a while. Let them get the information from me - not the information that is put out by Mr Berry and other people and that is also seriously flawed, like the Datacol poll, when it comes to validity. Let me present the questions to people and then let us take a survey. I challenge you to do that. Any time you like, get together a group of people. I do not care whether it is in the Albert Hall and it is at a Labor meeting pretending to be in support of stable government, such as when Mr Paul Whalan physically tried to stop me getting on the stage because they did not want me to talk to the people.

Ms Follett: I let you on, didn't I?

MR STEVENSON: I do not know who sent Paul across to try to stop me getting up the steps at the Albert Hall on that night. Nevertheless, perhaps that was why I did not get turfed out of the Fabian meeting the following week when I went along after they refused to let me attend, even though it said "all welcome" on the invitation. I said, "I am an all", when he said, "We had a special meeting last night and decided that you could not come". I said, "Well, that is funny. Why is that?". He said, "It might be embarrassing". I said, "I will not be embarrassed".

Nothing I said on the telephone would get the Fabian representative to invite me along; so I went down anyway to the National Convention Centre and walked past the guard. I thought, "Yes, this must be the way". I walked past the sign that said, "Private function - guests only". I thought, "Yes, this has to be the way". I went up to the door of the Swan Room - I thought that that was interesting - and there was Ellnor, who is not here at the moment, unfortunately, because she could validate what happened. Rosemary was there. She knows that I walked in

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