Page 434 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 19 February 1991

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MR STEVENSON: Let us have a look. The result of a ratio of 2:1, Labor to Liberal, is right. The 56 per cent vote for Labor and Liberal combined was too high. Ours was 40. Ours was more consistent with the 1989 election of 37.69 per cent. That was fudged.

Ms Follett: Who is "ours"?

MR STEVENSON: Our own polling. The Abolish polling.

Mr Duby: Dennis, do you say that you got 40 per cent of the vote?

MR STEVENSON: You did not listen. In our polling on the question, "Who would you vote for?", the combined result for Labor and Liberal from over 200 Canberrans was 40 per cent. The Datacol poll was 56 per cent. Their poll does not agree with the actual result in the ACT election. Ours was far more in line with that. Once again, anybody can make interesting comments; but get out there on the streets, ask the people, make the results public and be prepared to show someone the survey questions, to show someone what the exact - - -

Mr Duby: Dennis, what per cent did you get?

MR STEVENSON: I have not got the percentage, but it was higher than the Datacol poll. But, we did get a consistent result for the Residents Rally, the No Self Government Party, undecided, informal, independent and green democrats. All those were correct.

Let me make the point, otherwise I will need an extension of time. The point I am making is about independent candidates. I have long been independent. I will remain independent.

Mr Berry: He has only just started to call himself one, though.

MR STEVENSON: Not at all. I have been calling myself independent for a great deal of time, and independent of party machine control. I have always been independent - be it my own party or any other party. Perhaps it was my independence that allowed the Labor Party in the ACT Assembly to cling precariously to their eight-member minority Government - as it is called - for the time that they did. Believe you me, it would have been changed any time I had chosen to change that. You can imagine how long I would last in an alliance when you have to do as you are told. You can imagine how long that would last; I would get my knuckles broken real quick. I believe that the people should be represented in constitutional law. I stand for that, and I will always stand for that. I think that in a period of - - -

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