Page 117 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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(2) Allegations have been made before the Official Visitor Mr Aldcroft.

Mr Aldcroft immediately initiated inquiries into these allegations with the Superintendent of the Remand Centre, and a few days later was furnished with a report.

The report included a copy of the medical report and statements from all but one of the custodial officers who were on shift that day. After careful investigation and consideration of information Mr Aldcroft concluded by finding the allegations of assault could not be substantiated.

(3) It is true that Ms Connelly was convicted of a number of charges under the Public Service Act. During the appeal hearing Counsel for Ms Connelly informed departmental representatives that Ms Connelly was prepared to resign.

The Department gave full and serious consideration to a number of issues including cost, before agreeing to accept her resignation. The cost to the Department, if the appeal continued, was considered to be between eight and ten thousand dollars. The payment by the Department to Ms Connelly represented a compromise on past wage loss to Ms Gonnelly, and was paid after her resignation. As the committee was unable to complete the appeal process, the original direction made by the Inquiry Officer became effective, meaning that the appellant was dismissed from the service. A note to that effect remains on her file.

(4) A senior officer, Ms Pamela Richards, was nominated in 1988 as the Centres Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, and was accepted as such by all staff at a meeting held at that time. She has been the contact officer on all EEO issues since then; and has investigated and dealt with all complaints by officers relating to sexual harassment and discrimination. On each occasion the matter was dealt with rapidly and successfully in a manner which obviated the need for formal file records.

(5) (a) A complaint was received that an officer at BBC harassed a detainee by waking her up. The complaint was proven. The Inquiry Officer recommended that the officer concerned be formally disciplined and a note to that effect be placed on the officers personal file for a minimum of two years.

(b) I am not aware of a second report being requested by departmental officers in relation to this matter.

(6) This question is not specific enough to enable response.

(7) (a) A staff meeting was held on 21 December 1988 at lOpm, and the agenda for that meeting included the conduct of custodial officers.


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