Page 116 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 12 February 1991

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(12) Did Personnel Section ask that this notice be removed; if so, for what reasons.

(13) Do Staff at BBC have access to STD telephone calls; if so, what have been the charges for metered calls for all services used by each senior officer for the last two years.

(14) What has been the staff turnover at BBC since 1986 compared to the Public Service average and is the Minister taking any action in relation to staff turnovers.

(15) What action has the Minister taken as a result of detailed allegations of misconduct in Mr Barry Albrightons letter to him of 25 January 1990.

(16) Has Mr Albrighton been sent a reply; if so, when, if not, why not. Were other letters received with similar allegations. Were these replied to; if so, when; if not, why not.

(17) How many custodial officers from BBC, and others, contacted the Ministers Office during the months of January and February 1990 complaining about the management of BBC. -Is the Minister aware that a staff meeting was called by management to advise staff that they should not complain to the Ministers office.

(18) Has the Minister established a special staff position to be liaison officer between Corrective Services custodial officers and the Ministers Office. Is this position responsible for receiving complaints, and if so how many have been received to date.

(19) What assistance is given for staff displaying symptoms of stress at BBC.

(20) Has the Department hired a Barrister to oppose Mr Barry Albrighton in his appeal to the Merit Protection Review Agency (MPRA). Is this contrary to OPERA guidelines.

Mr Collaery - the answers to the Members questions are as follows:

(1) (a) Allegations of theft of Government property have been made and are alleged to include those items that were listed in an internal minute addressed to all staff.

As a result of actions initiated by management, with the exception of one electric hammer drill and one electric drill, all other items have been accounted for. It is believed that the drills disappeared at around the same time they were borrowed by a building contractor who was working on major building extensions at BBC. The remaining tools and equipment remain in a secure area with one person having access.

(b) I have discussed these matters with both staff and the Superintendent of the Remand Centre, and am satisfied (after accounting for all outstanding items mentioned in the internal minute), that out of a total of 200 items, the Centre was able to account for 198 items.


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