Page 4886 - Week 16 - Thursday, 29 November 1990

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Mr Moore: So the point now, Mr Speaker, is that we can all run around the Assembly, do that - - -

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: he is seeking to debate your ruling.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Collaery! It is a debatable point. I am sure that it is not acceptable behaviour from any member, but under the circumstances the member has apologised, and I do not think there would be any benefit to be gained from removing him from the chamber for the next period - - -

Mr Moore: In that case, Mr Speaker, I point out to you that I have moved a motion.

MR SPEAKER: Just before we get to that, I think we are still waiting to see whether we will get an apology from Mrs Grassby.

Mrs Grassby: Mr Speaker, Dr Kinloch was not in the house when I said that and I do not think that I have to apologise for it. It was said in a colourful speech and you did not take any notice of it in the first place.

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I wish to respond to this point of order that has been raised again. Whether a member is present in the chamber or not, words said which constitute breaches of standing orders, disorderly conduct or imputations, may be directed by you to be withdrawn. That is the clear practice of parliaments and it is the practice of the parliament on the hill. Dr Kinloch has asked for something to be withdrawn. It is within your province and power to do that, Mr Speaker, whether he was in the chamber or not at the time the words were uttered.

Mr Speaker, I draw your attention to standing order 202, which states:

If any member has ... used offensive words, which the Member has refused to withdraw.

I ask you to ask Mrs Grassby to withdraw her words.

Mrs Grassby: They are not offensive.

MR SPEAKER: I think this is going to blow out of all proportion. I personally thought - - -

Mrs Grassby: Mr Speaker, as you said, they were only said in a colourful way.

MR SPEAKER: That is what I - - -

Ms Follett: Mr Speaker, on a point of order - - -

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