Page 4708 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 28 November 1990

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Mr Jensen: Mr Speaker, that is an irresponsible comment by Mr Berry. He is suggesting that I am drawing to your attention matters that are incorrect. He is calling me a liar, and I request that that be withdrawn.

MR SPEAKER: No. I take your angst there - - -

Mr Jensen: It is an imputation, Mr Speaker. It is a personal reflection - under standing order 55.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I believe that the issue will be resolved if we just let that one lie. I exhort you to sit back on that one. I will look to your introspection.

Mr Jensen: If he says it again, Mr Speaker, I will take up standing order 55 again. It is a personal reflection on my integrity.

MR SPEAKER: Please proceed, Mr Collaery.

MR COLLAERY: Mr Speaker, the artful dodger is certainly someone who will dodge the move-on powers, but he will not dodge the fact that this Act is going to remain in place because there is no evidence to suggest that it is causing any harm. The evidence suggests empirically, before you in this house, that this Act has proven its social worth.

Ms Follett: What a load of rubbish!

MR COLLAERY: The Leader of the Opposition says that it is a load of rubbish. She contributes very little to debates, Mr Speaker. Last night, we had 2 hours from them, saying that the Community Development Fund should not be abolished.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Relevance.

MR COLLAERY: At the end of that debate we found out that their policy was to abolish it. Extraordinary!

In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I am going to continue to make available to the Opposition the full and voluminous reports on the use of the move-on powers. They have been made available. Although the Opposition's Bill will be defeated, it will be in a position to bring forward emotions and bring to the attention of the public any concerns that it may have.

Mr Connolly: On a point order, Mr Speaker: pursuant to standing order 47, I claim to have been misquoted or misunderstood in Mr Collaery's remarks.

Mr Collaery: Misquoted or misunderstood?

Mr Connolly: I think I was misquoted, but I was probably also misunderstood. He repeatedly was alluding to the Opposition's proposal as being to encourage the use of

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