Page 4707 - Week 16 - Wednesday, 28 November 1990

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MR COLLAERY: (Extension of time granted) I was rounding off and coming back to Mr Wood's statement that he brought this repeal to this house on the basis that the present Act was conceived on narrow, prejudiced, preconceived and unproven ideas. That surely is an ideological perception of the Labor Party, and I believe that it is fair for me to say that those perceptions find a great deal of support at home in the Left of the Labor Party which is usually more unreasoning on these issues.

Mr Speaker, I did want to make a comment about the two current complaints before the Ombudsman and the police internal inquiries. I do not have the reports in relation to either of those matters yet. One relates to the son of the well-known person to whom Mr Connolly referred. The other relates to the arrest of four persons in an incident outside the Bad Habits nightclub in Manuka on 7 October. I await with interest the outcome of those inquiries. I believe that they are being conducted properly and will be reported on to the Government by the Ombudsman.

If there is a chance of continuing to develop, at least on the community policing level, a bipartisan approach to the transitional period of community policing and the values and systems - - -

Mr Berry: The community party! What a joke!

MR COLLAERY: I will make available those reports properly, considering issues of privacy, as I have made all these other reports available to the Opposition.

Mr Berry: What a joke! The anti-community party.

MR COLLAERY: I do not recall being shown any police reports while I was in opposition.

Mr Berry: Kick the community. Kick it in the head.

Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: we are hearing continuous interjections from Mr Berry, a person who seeks to speak uninterrupted but who continues to interject in the chamber. I suggest that we bring him into line, Mr Speaker. Throw him out if he cannot handle it.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Berry, I would take that. I will put you on warning that this constant nagging interjection of yours at a low level gets everyone on edge. I would ask you to desist. You are on warning on that issue.

Mr Berry: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: I hope that I will be on warning only on issues that you can hear, not those reports of Mr Jensen, because, quite frankly, I do not trust what he would tell you.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, that will be on things that I can hear definitely.

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