Page 4297 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 20 November 1990

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Mr Speaker, the committee made a total of 19 recommendations. I do not propose to speak to each of them individually; rather, I will seek leave, in a few moments, to table the Government,s detailed response to each of those recommendations.

However, before doing so, I would like to take the opportunity to comment on a number of broader issues raised in the report. The committee has commented that they see a need for a select committee, comprising the same membership as the estimates committee, to be formed to examine in greater detail matters relating to future Estimates Committees, including the form that the budget papers might take. Whilst I accept that the establishment of select committees is a matter for the Assembly to determine, the Government does not consider, in this instance, that there is such a need. The committee has clearly expressed its requirements for future information, especially as to the early availability of estimates at the subprogram level. The Government will ensure, Mr Speaker, that these matters are addressed next year, possibly by the introduction of detailed explanatory notes to be presented to the committee. I will be seeking the views of all Assembly members on the existing budget papers and ways that they might be enhanced to serve their purpose better. These would be most welcome and will be considered in the preparation of the 1991-92 budget papers.

The committee has also recommended that future estimates committees be established at the time of introduction of the Appropriation Bill into the Legislative Assembly by the Treasurer, at the latest. The Government supports that view. The early establishment of the 1991-92 Estimates Committee, and the use of a standard form of explanatory notes, including financial details at subprogram level and reconciliation statements to show the situation from one budget year to the next, would, I think, meet the needs that the current committee has identified. I emphasise, Mr Speaker, that the Government has no desire to avoid providing necessary information to estimates committees in a useful format.

Mr Speaker, I now turn to another matter raised in the report, and that is expenditure restraint. Mr Moore has commented that there has been no real restraint and that there is not a satisfactory method of comparing the extent of program and overall budget adjustments from one year to the next. I have said that we will introduce reconciliation statements next year to make that comparison easier. But the Government rejects Mr Moore,s contention and reasserts that this is a budget of prudent restraint.

In developing the 1990-91 budget this Government has recognised the need to prepare the ACT for the likely reduced levels of funding that will be forthcoming from the Commonwealth when the real term guarantee expires, now in seven months' time.

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