Page 4296 - Week 15 - Tuesday, 20 November 1990

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great benefits that would flow to the city and of ways of improving that link. It is unfortunate that the evidence clearly showed that at this point in time there were not those substantial links.

The benefits of those links to encourage visitors to come to this city and the dollars that they will spend here will certainly increase those visitor numbers and, I believe, put Canberra well and truly on the map as a national and international sporting location.

In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I was unable to attend many of the hours spent questioning Ministers and officials, but I would like to thank committee staff for their contribution and for the long hours of duty spent on this report. I recognise also the number of hours that all members of the committee put in, not just the latest members but also Ms Maher as well. I know that she spent many hours as a member of that committee during the times of questioning.

I also acknowledge that there were other members of the Assembly who, while they were not members of the committee, did come forward and spend some quite considerable hours there. So, with those few brief comments, Mr Speaker, I will leave it there. I look forward to hearing Mr Kaine's response to this document.

MR KAINE (Chief Minister and Treasurer) (9.00): I am very pleased to have the opportunity to respond to the report of the Estimates Committee on the Appropriation Bill 1990-91 because it constitutes an important part of the continuing debate on that Bill and we will continue that tomorrow. On behalf of the Government I would like to thank the committee for their report. I think that the Government generally acknowledges the work undertaken by members in examining the detail of the expenditure proposals contained in the Appropriation Bill and I believe that the analysis by the committee will contribute to debate on the Government's expenditure proposals.

Mr Speaker, members will recall that when I tabled the Appropriation Bill I stated that the goals outlined in the Alliance Government's budget strategy, delivered in early 1990, were the basis for the 1990-91 budget. I think those goals bear repeating. They are, firstly, to promote the development of the private sector; secondly, to produce a balanced recurrent budget; thirdly, to minimise borrowings; and, fourthly, to make better use of the Territory's existing capital base.

To achieve these goals the Government has had to make a number of difficult decisions and the 1990-91 budget incorporates those decisions. The Government accepts, of course, that the committee need not endorse our strategy. Whatever their view, the proceedings and report of the committee are an essential contribution to the debate on the Government's budget strategy, whether they agree with it or not.

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