Page 4048 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 24 October 1990
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I do know, however, that Mr Hudson has received a large number of submissions and is obtaining information from people in a very large number of ways. In particular, I know that he has visited some schools and has met a number of parents. He is talking to principal players such as the P and C Council and, I think, the Teachers Federation - a number of organisations such as that. I am not concerned by his approach. It appears to me to be a highly sensible one and I propose to let the inquiry run its course.
MR STEVENSON: I have a supplementary question, Mr Speaker. Would the Minister ascertain from Mr Hudson exactly what the criteria are that he mentioned? While he may not be concerned, I think many members in this Assembly are concerned, as are many members in the community. Would he be good enough to find out what the criteria are and inform the Assembly?
MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, as I said, they are not criteria; they are not rules by which he works. He is taking evidence in a flexible fashion, as I understand it. However, I am very happy to make an inquiry of his office and establish what methods he has used up till now to make those inquiries and supply them to Mr Stevenson.
Public Hospital Redevelopment
MRS GRASSBY: My question is to Mr Duby. On 27 September 1990 the AFCC were notified of their appointment as consultants to coordinate industrial relations and occupational health and safety on the ACT public hospital redevelopment project. Why was that contract cancelled three weeks later?
MR DUBY: I thank Mrs Grassby for the question. I shall take that matter on notice and advise her at a later date.
Liquor Licence Fees
MR JENSEN: My question is addressed to the Attorney-General, Mr Collaery. I refer the Attorney to recent media statements about the requirement for liquor licence owners to pay liquor licence fees on a quarterly basis. Can the Minister advise the extent of bad debts for liquor licence fees for the 1989-90 financial year and whether the proposal for quarterly payments will assist in reducing the extent of bad debts of this type in the future?
MR COLLAERY: I thank Mr Jensen for the question. Certainly the extent of - - -
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