Page 4047 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 24 October 1990
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MR DUBY: Yes. He will do a bit of backtracking and see what he can find out.
Mrs Grassby: Well, he did, and that is why it has been fixed now.
MR DUBY: Thank you, Mrs Grassby, for being able to tell the Assembly that, yes, indeed, I have fixed the problem. There was an accumulation of waste because the area had been declared black by the relevant union involved and they had simply refused to take away the rubbish. Once again, to my way of thinking it was an irresponsible use of union power, as we are seeing at other sites around the city. But, good sense prevailed and at a union meeting last night the bans on that site were lifted and the accumulation of rubbish in Bible Lane has now been completely removed.
What we have to do in the future is to overcome the incorrect waste disposal practices occurring in that area. It is proposed that departmental officers take the issue up with the building owners and tenants through the Chamber of Commerce, which may well be able to liaise with the owners and the tenants in that area so that waste is not being just haphazardly dumped at the rear of premises. Not only is it a health hazard; it is a fire and safety hazard as well.
I must say that, whilst the problem existed, department of health officers have inspected the site and they have advised that, although unsightly and occasionally a wee bit smelly, the dry waste at the location did not pose a health problem. The simple fact is that it has been cleared up and hopefully the situation will not arise again.
School Closures - Inquiry
MR STEVENSON: My question is to Mr Humphries. Mr Humphries has stated that Mr Hugh Hudson will determine the criteria under which he will conduct the inquiry into school closures. Would Mr Humphries indicate whether Mr Hudson has already determined those criteria? Of course, I do not talk about terms of reference; we well know those. If so, what are they?
MR HUMPHRIES: I think that Mr Stevenson might be labouring under a misapprehension. I do not know whether I have used the term "criteria" in respect of any of the issues that Mr Stevenson is referring to. What I have said in the past is that Mr Hudson would be conducting the inquiry with a format that he determined rather than one that was laid down by the Government. That format, or that procedure, is not a matter on which the Government has sought advice from him. In other words, we have not asked him to state the manner in which he proposes to proceed to conduct his inquiry.
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