Page 2714 - Week 09 - Thursday, 9 August 1990

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However, the majority of pre-school services throughout Australia have maintained their autonomy, because they are not controlled by Departments of Education.

As indeed was the case in Canberra prior to Mr Willmot - Dr Willmot taking over. That is right; I forgot about his honorary degree. She continued:

In recent years, and in the past 12 months in particular -

she is referring to 1981 -

some sections of the education system - - -

Mr Humphries: On a point of order, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker: I think that the slur Mr Moore has made on a very fine, upstanding public servant ought to be withdrawn. There is nothing honorary about Dr Willmot's doctorate.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Jensen): Yes, I take your point. Mr Moore, I ask you to withdraw.

MR MOORE: I withdraw any inference at all and request that Hansard remove the statement if it can.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Moore, would you resume your seat for a moment, please. Might I remind members that it is not appropriate to make statements like that knowing full well that they will have to be immediately withdrawn. I request members to remember that when they are speaking.

MR MOORE: Mrs Murray continues:

In recent years ... sections of the education system in Canberra have been recommending the integration of pre-schools into Government Primary Schools.

We are talking about 1981:

Sceptical people could say that the sudden surge of support ... may come from school boards seeking to increase enrolment numbers and thus retain Band 4 Principals, as declining numbers in schools makes pre-school groups ... popular ...

However, she goes on to argue that:

Pre-school teachers, pre-school administrators do not support this move. We believe that the Canberra community of parents ... does not support it either. Experience in other States and the Northern Territory has clearly demonstrated that when integration has occurred the following situations occur -

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