Page 2619 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 8 August 1990

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Mr Moore: That is not consultation and you know it. The Rally came together on consultation and the proper process of consultation.

DR KINLOCH: Mr Acting Speaker, I am speaking to the MPI. The MPI says that there is a need for the ACT Legislative Assembly to consult fully - if I may change the wording - with school representatives, parents and citizens. From this side of the house and from that side of the house we have done so. This does not necessarily mean, of course - and here I agree with Mr Berry - that on every point everyone is in agreement. We recognise this is the case. Clearly, some schools are not in agreement. I quite understand the passion. I understand that. We have also been in that position but I want to say that we have done our very best to consult.

Mr Moore: No, you have not.

DR KINLOCH: I suggest you take the number of hours I have in the day and see what I do.

Mr Berry: What is consultation worth if you do not take the views of the people into account, Hector?

DR KINLOCH: I can assure you - as my colleagues will assure you - that as the 10 of us sat around the table looking from school to school to school with the briefings before us, we were most concerned with what was taking place. There have been a few glitches and I think those glitches are understandable when you have got that many briefings, that many schools, that many people and that many hours. We have tried to deal with those glitches and we are dealing with them, and as you will recognise from what has been going on this week, we are dealing with them successfully.

In general, I am saying in answer to this MPI that there has been consultation with school representatives, parents and citizens. I think that consultation should continue. It certainly will so far as the Minister and myself are concerned, and I am sure other members on this side of the house.

Mr Berry: You people are making consultation into a dirty word.

DR KINLOCH: Mr Berry, I never interrupt you when you are speaking. You are a very rude man.

Mr Moore: You cannot take the heat, Hector.

DR KINLOCH: Mr Moore, I have stood up to heat in my life such as you would not believe.

I would like to put together my comments to say that in connection with this MPI, we have fully consulted. That

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