Page 1758 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990

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Since-;- c "asks

Mr Stefaniaks tasks w=11 be subject tc going review arc adjustment, through consultation between him and t_^e Deputy Chia= Minister. For the time being, there will be the following

...._. specific focusiBs:

(a) Police and Justice

(i) Ongoing review and monitoring of the A-114ances Police and Justice policy - advice to Minister on issues, processes and priorities.

(ii) DesAiled development and implementation of community Policing a=angements for the ACT.

(iii) Development or arrangements for tae assumption by the ACT of criminal prosecution responsibilities.

( iv) Development of options for changes to ACT sentencing and corrective services regimes.

(v) Handle representations and correspondence on

specific community policing issues, as and when referred by the Minister.

(vi) Handle representations and correspondence on specific justice issues (eg., re court proceedings, operation of criminal law system, etc), as and when refer-red by the minister.

(b) Snort and Recreation

(i) Ongoing-review and monitoring of the Alliances Sport and Recreation policy - advice to Minister on issues, processes and priorities.

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