Page 1749 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990

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1 3 . Meetings Meetings we to Ccmnuni Eus;r_ess a-Td Other Cs:

The Chief Mi nib tee should also be ken t id cf the cu 7co:re

of discussions held beaten Executive Deputies and cc:, 7,

business or other representatives. Where such meeting gs era

attended by an of=ices from the relevant depar=.ent he or she

should provide the Ch=ef Ministers Office and the Executive

Deputy concerned with a written record of meeting by COB en the

max-- working day. The same procedure should also apply in

relation to meetings bet-aeon tire Chief Minister and such groups.

14. Ac-Imowl oddments

In addition to the matters identified above, Executive Deputies

will, where necessary, sign any acknowledgements on behalf of

to Chief Minister.

15. Forte of letters:

Executive Deputies will sign over their own nacres eg:

Norm Jensen

Executive Deputy --- --

Planizing Environment Heritage and Leasehold Management


Carmel Maher

ExecutIve Deputy

Social and Family Policy

Core Correspondence will be prepared on t-.^.e Chief Ministers letterhead

Chief Ministers Office

January 1990 y


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