Page 1637 - Week 06 - Thursday, 3 May 1990
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MR JENSEN: I am sorry, Mr Speaker; I should be addressing my remarks through you and not being put off by the ravings of the rabble opposite. I believe that there is a high level of community consensus about these issues and the Government must take the opportunity to work with the community to implement its environmental strategy. The strategy proposed in the consultation paper involves actions to limit the greenhouse effect, planning and research to help us adapt to future climate change, coordinating and monitoring of research in other States and internationally, community education and awareness of action, which is part of the environment policy of the Alliance Government, and coordination within the ACT Government on implementing evaluation and reporting. That sort of coordination is currently taking place at the moment. The Government has a group of senior public - - -
Mr Berry: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. I draw your attention to the fact that the Chief Minister is reading a newspaper. Shame!
Mr Kaine: I am not reading a newspaper, Mr Speaker. I am reading an article by Bill Stefaniak, MLA, that has to do with waste management in the ACT.
MR SPEAKER: Regardless of the content of the article, Mr Kaine, I have made a previous ruling that newspapers should not be read in the house.
MR JENSEN: Clearly, some of these matters are easier to implement than others. (Extension of time granted)
We will be introducing legislation to phase out chlorofluorocarbons. While CFCs contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer, they are also a greenhouse gas, as I am sure the Leader of the Opposition is fully aware. In Canberra we are very aware of the environmental problems caused by burning fossil fuels. I have already alluded to some of those issues. The level of visible pollution in winter as the result of burning off, wood fires, stoves and vehicle emissions is quite obvious and I am pleased to hear that there would be bipartisan support for any attempts by the Government to increase emission standards for wood burning fires in the ACT. I am pleased about that and I think that it is important plus. I am sure my colleague Mr Duby will take that on board in the near future.
Reduction in energy uses is one way of overcoming pollution. Use of public transport or car pools with work mates is recommended. In fact, Mr Duby has, as we all know, provided an opportunity for people to be given free parking when they come into this city, as long as there are more than three in the car. I think that is a positive response and I hope that the people of the ACT make full
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